Original WWII Dutch NSB document hand signed by Zondervan regarding KIA Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers


This Dutch NSB document is in good condition, dated June 4, 1943, and was hand-signed by NSB W.A. commander A.J. Zondervan.
The document contains information about two fallen Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers.

Subject: Killed comrades
‘In answer to your letters dated 18-5-43 and 21-5-43 I inform you of the following: S. Den Heijer, born 23-4-13 W.A. number: 7862, registered d.d. 28-1-41, his wife lives at Leidschendam Broekweg 29;
T. Verduyn born 12-3-1908, W.A. number 421, registered d.d. 21-8-40, d.d. 26-2-43 killed in partisan raid on transport train.
Keep Sea!
The Commander:
(A.J. Zondervan).’

A unique document with Zondervan signature for the NSB or collaboration collection!

Article number: 11463

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