Original WWII British photo ‘Allies Grand-Strategy Conference in North-Africa’


The photo is in good condition and was recently found in a lot of British wartime press photos from World War II.
Subject: Allies Grand-Strategy Conference in North-Africa (Churchill, Roosevelt, Admiral E.J. King, Major General Hastings Ismay, Lord Louis Mountbatten and Field Marshal John Dill.
Measurements: 24 x 13 cm.
Perfect for the militaria or World War II collection!

Article number: 5848


Originele WWII Britse persfoto ‘Geallieerde strategie conferentie Noord-Afrika’

De foto is in een goede conditie en werd onlangs in een lot met oorlogse Britse persfoto’s gevonden.
Onderwerp: Allies Grand-Strategy Conference in North-Africa (Churchill, Roosevelt, Admiral E.J. King, Major General Hastings Ismay, Lord Louis Mountbatten and Field Marshal John Dill.
Afmetingen: 24 x 13 cm.
Perfect voor de militaria of Tweede Wereldoorlog collection!

Article number: 5848

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